10 Furnishings Best for Rental Properties

By AALofts Design

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By AALofts Design

When you have a rental property, you want to make sure you are furnishing it properly. I know that it can be a difficult thing to do, especially when you have not done it before. However, a rental property should look just as nice as any other property.

From lighting to the rugs on the floor & everything in between, you want to make sure you are choosing the right furnishings for a rental property. Read on to discover the 10 furnishings best for rental properties.

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Contemporary Dining Room Interior Concept

New Lighting Fixtures.

When you are furnishing a rental property, one of the first things you should look at is the lighting fixtures. Proper lighting can transform a room from dark & shabby to bright & warm.

Your rental property may already have lighting fixtures, but they may be out of date. You may also find that the light bulbs themselves are not very good at lighting the room.

Here are a few things to look at when deciding on the right lighting fixtures to furnish your rental property.

  • Change the light bulbs to something more durable & long-lasting
  • Update the lamps to something more modern & complementary to the decor
  • Change the ceiling fixtures to something more modern

Good lighting will illuminate all the other furnishings you decide to use in your rental property, & it will create a great foundation for a warm & welcoming atmosphere.

Living Room Panorama

Drop-Leaf Tables.

Space is important no matter where we live, so utilizing it is key to a comfortable living. In a rental property, the tables you use need to be considered. Drop-leaf tables are perfect for rental properties for a few reasons.

  • They are extendable
  • They save space
  • They are versatile

Drop-leaf tables can be placed anywhere you need them. Consider putting one as a nightstand by the bed, or as the dining table in the kitchen.

Wherever you decide to put it, I know you will like it because of how versatile it is. These tables work great because they can collapse & save space.

Drop-leaf tables do not need to be forced into tight spaces. If you do not have a lot of space in your rental property, a drop-leaf table is a good way to take advantage of what limited space you have.

Sectional Sofas.

Since rental properties are temporary lodgings, it is important to have furnishings that can be dismantled & used again.

It is even more important to have versatile furnishings because space could be different between rental properties.

Consider the benefits of a sectional sofa:

  • Since they can be dismantled, they can be used in different rooms
  • They can be split up & used for different room layouts
  • Sectional sofas are easily broken up & transported

Sectional sofas are perfect for rental property because they can be dismantled & used in different ways no matter what the rental property is.

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Accent Chairs.

Your rental property probably already has a colour scheme, & unless you are willing to completely redo the walls & ceiling (which can take a lot of time), then you want furnishings that will complement what is already there.

Accent chairs are perfect furnishings to liven up a room & to elevate it. There are a few things to consider with an accent chair:

  • The colour of the chair
  • The placement of the chair
  • The size of the chair

You want a colour that either complements the colours around it or a colour that contrasts it to bring a lively atmosphere.

You may want to place the chair in an area that may not have much else going on so that you are using every inch of space available on the property.

Add Plants to Each Room.

You do not want your rental property to feel dark & cramped. It can become claustrophobic.

I recommend adding plants to each room of the property. You do not need to add many, but even just one plant per room can make a big difference.

Plants add colour & texture to a room, & they bring a natural touch to the interior of the property. Consider some of the following options for plants:

  • Succulents
  • Snake plants
  • Spider plants

Plants that do not require a lot of direct sunlight or frequent watering are great for decorating & furnishing the interior of your rental property.

Blue Interior Styling Concept


Hanging artwork can transform any rental property into something special. When you pick the right artwork to hang in your rental property, you can cover the walls & add colour to the room for a low cost.

  • Expensive artwork is not necessary
  • The artwork you will enjoy looking at is best
  • Consider going frameless for a more modern look

I know it may seem difficult to choose the right artwork for your rental property, but as long as you choose artwork that you like & that complements the decor around it, you will be fine.

You do not need to hang a lot of artwork, either. They can vary in size, which will bring a good balance to whichever room you hang them in.

You can get creative with how many & how big they are, but you do not need to do too much.

Beds with Built-In Storage.

When you have a rental property, you will need storage space. When you have many things that need a place to go, storage space always seems to disappear.

However, one of the best furnishings you can put in a rental property is a bed with built-in storage.

Beds with built-in storage have several benefits:

  • Beds with built-in storage can add a modern or antique touch to the bedroom, depending on what material the frame is made from
  • The storage space is part of the decor, so there is no need to “hide” the storage
  • The storage drawers do not take up any additional space, so you have more floor space to move around

Additionally, consider a storage bed that can be collapsed & moved with ease. This is great for when you have to move to a new rental.

Replace the Window Blinds.

There are several reasons why you may want to replace the window blinds in your rental property. Some of them include:

  • The existing blinds are dirty
  • The existing blinds are broken
  • The existing blinds do not match the decor

You want blinds that will complement the decor while also being practical. A rental property is a temporary space, but you want to be comfortable.

Consider bamboo blinds or Venetian blinds. These are both stylish & inexpensive, so they can be installed quickly & with ease.

New window blinds will both brighten a room while giving it a cosy atmosphere. Just make sure not to get blinds that completely shut the sunlight out, as this will darken the room too much.

Bar Stools.

The best furnishings for a rental property are going to be versatile ones. This is because you never know where you may need it, especially if you change rental properties often.

Bar stools are perfect furnishings because they are not limited to just being placed around a bar. Consider all the places you can use them:

  • As an accent piece
  • In the kitchen by the counter
  • On the patio

Bar stools can be used when you are entertaining people, & they can double as decor in tight spaces.

Consider a nice set of bar stools when you are furnishing your rental property for something that is both practical & stylish.

Layered Rugs.

If you want to add character to your rental property, using layered rugs is a good choice. You can do this in about any room on your property, though a more common area is best.

For example, in the living room, you can put a nice, neutral-colour rug on the floor. On top of this rug, you would put a smaller, accent rug.

These rugs add depth & something interesting to the room. Additionally, you can:

  • Arrange chairs around the layered rugs
  • Use colours that complement the furniture around it
  • Use patterns that complement the decor of the room

When done right, these layered rugs will transform your living space into a cosy, relaxing environment.

Article by Amy Lofts.

Article by Amy Lofts.

Owner of AALofts Design

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